Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Buddhism for Prelims

About Buddha :

Birth : Siddartha

1. Father : Suddodana - He is King of Sakya.
2. Actual Mother : Maya or Maya Devi
3. Mother's Dream : White elephant with Lotus before Buddha's Birth
4. Mother died within 7 days after Buddha's birth
5. Year : 563 BC
6. Born at : Lumbini near Kapilavastu, Capital of Sakya
7. Mother during Growth : Goutami

Moving away from Palace

1. Reasons : Sight of Old person, Sick person, dead man and a Sage.
2. Buddha's Charioteer : Chenna
3. Buddha's Horse name : Kanthaka
4. Great going Forth - Mahabhiniskramana

As Wanderer:

1. He started as Wanderer
2. He learned Meditation from Alara Kalama
3. Joined five ascetics who were practising rigorous Self -mortification
4. For 6 six years he practiced that and finally gave up

Enlightenment ;

1.Reached Gaya under King Bimbisara
2. Sujata offered him rice boiled in Milk
3. He decided he will not get up until riddle of suffering was solved
4. Mara - Buddhist devil tried to disturb
5. After 49 days he attained Nirvana
6. The old five ascetics were the first to get his Sermon @ Deer Park near Varanasi

Sangha and Death :

1. Disciplined body of Monks called Bhikkus
2. Averted war between Sakyas and Koliyas
3.. Buddhist Order is called Sangha
4. Near City of Vaisali, Buddha prepared for his death
5.  Dont search for new leader. Doctrines would lead them
6. At Pava he ate Pork and in Kusinagara he died

Growth of Buddhism :

Other Important Facts :

1st Council :
1. Upali      - Vinaya Pitaka - Rules of the Order
2. Ananda   - Sutta Pitaka - Collections of Buddha's Sermons
3. Abhidhamma Pitaka was on Psychology and Metaphysics

a.Vihara - Buddhist Temple or Monastry
b. Caitya - Sacred Spots

1. Vehicle of Thunderbolt - Vajrayana
2. Bodhisattva - previous birth of Buddha

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