Tuesday, May 24, 2016

UPSC Mains_ Difference between Buddhism and Jainism

While there are many similarities between Buddhism and Jainism in terms of Origin, Doctrines they have dissimilarities mainly in the way how the two religions are practiced ie sacrifices to be made to practice the religion and how effectively the followers made it to reach the masses.

Similarities :

1. Both their Origin have a similar cause ie an alternate to ritualistic, Caste based Brahmanism.

2. Doctrines : While Jainism adopted a three fold path for attaining Liberation, Buddhism talked about eight fold path for attaining Nirvana.

Jainism insisted on avoiding 5 things( ex: Do not tell lie..etc) , Buddhism also insisting on avoiding 5 things. Just few changes in wording.

Dissimilarities :

1.Hardships in practicing : While Buddhism had rules through Sangha for the Monks, the ordinary followers are allowed to practice a less rigorous life style. But in contrast the Jainism insisted on rigorous self sacrifices to ordinary followers and Gurus. The followers are even asked to abandon agriculture since that would harm insects and other organisms. While Buddhist are free to take up any profession followers of Jainism could only take up trade and commerce.

This basic difference was one of the key factors for Jainism not able to spread through masses as easily as Buddhism.

2. Support of Rulers : While Jainism could get support only from Chandra Gupta Maurya during his old age. Buddhism got the patronage of many important rules like Magadha Kings, Asoka, Kanishka and other powerful rulers.

3. Spread to Other lands : Asoka took efforts to spread Buddhism to other parts of the world. ie Central Asia, South Asia, Sri Lanka there was no big supporters of Jainism to spread the idea. Buddhism is very much a practicing religion in CHina, South Asia and Sri Lanka till date.

4.Jainism still surviving in India : Jainism is still practised Religion in very few pockets in India but Buddhism almost have no presence in India. The materialistic approach of Buddhist MOnks ,adaptation of Hinduism to the set backs given by Buddhism ( from Cattle sacrifice to Cattle protector , naming Buddha as the incarnation of Vishnu), Anti Buddist rulers resulted in the wiping out the Buddism from India by 12th to 13th century

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