Friday, May 27, 2016

UPSC Mains_Causes of Raise of Magadha Kingdom

1. Use of Iron started throughout all Janapadas during 6th and 5th century BC, But Iron Ore mines situated near the Capital Rajgir helped Magadha to extensively use Iron to make weapons and Agriculture equipments gave them an advantage

2. Natural fortress for both Rajgir and Pataliputra against invasion. Rajgir was situated inbetween hills and Patna was situated inbetween 4 rivers.
It was always tough for the enemies to capture the capital of Magadha

3. Ambitious and able Kings like Bimbisara, Ajatasatru followed by MahaPadma Nanda,  used their opportunities successfully to get the better out of other Kingdoms like Anga, Kosala, Vrijji and finally Avanti.

4. Use of Elephants was also an important factor during the age of Mahajanapadas. We learn from Greek sources that Nandas had 6000 Elephants in their Army.

5. Metal Income which came through surplus agriculture also helped the economy to florish compared to the other Kingdoms.

6. Water ways used for both economical and military purposes. they could travel in east, west directions easily through river transport.

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